Coffee Market & Brexit

As many of you will have noticed, the aftermath of ‘Brexit’ is now in full swing. But what does this mean for coffee? Coffee is traded in dollars. With the pound weakening, we now have to pay more for our green coffee. We have tried our best to soak up any price increases at our end, but unfortunately, the time has come where we can now no longer avoid a price increase. We have done our best to make sure increases are as minimal as possible, but we are not willing to drop our quality of coffee offering by buying cheaper, inferior coffees, we hope you understand.

Thank you for your custom from 2016, what a fantastic year it was and some truly amazing and individual coffees have graced our hard working Probat roaster. We are looking forward to another fantastic year of roasting and keep your eyes peeled – we will soon have a number of exciting and special new coffees available!

New Coffee Prices 1st March
You may have seen recent news reports about the soaring prices of coffee on the global markets. This unprecedented situation has created uncertainty for coffee roasters worldwide, and some have already raised their prices.

Unfortunately, we are also feeling the impact of these market conditions. We have published a blog post explaining the situation in more detail and outlining the measures we will need to take.

We appreciate your understanding during these challenging times.